Wolfpack Bootcamp Training Missions
Train your special operations skills with three Wolfpack Training Missions
Training levels
The Wolf bootcamp training consists of three training missions:
- Basic Training (Part of Wolfpack Vol 1)
- Advanced Training (Part of Wolfpack Vol 1)
- Expert Training (Part of Wolfpack Vol 2)
The training missions have specifically been put together to train for Wolfpack missions. The 'Basic Training' and the 'Advanced Training' missions take place in a 6 x 5 Km area. north west Altis. The terrain is ideal for covert operations.
With the 'Basic Training' and 'Advanced Training' missions you can train yourself in long range covert travel/patrol. The objective of both missions is to get to the Thronos Castle without being spotted by the various CSAT EI patrols, vehicles, control posts. Even civilians can detect you and they'll report your position to CSAT!
The exercise is over once you have been detected by CSAT or when you successfully reach Thronos Castle undetected. The mission will then end automatically.
The expert training mission is a highly challenging training mission located south central Altis. The training specifics will be provided on-site.
Wolf Skill Training
Assault operations are often used in combination with force recon operations. Assault operations require careful planning and tactics to maximize surprise and combat effectiveness.
Wolf operators are hardly ever used for full frontal assault operations. A typical assault operations comprised of taking out HVT's (persons or objects), assault and secure small compounds, assault small convoy's, etc. Assault operations are carried out combat efficiently and swiftly so the enemy has no time to organize a counter attack. By the time the enemy realizes something is wrong, the Wolf troops are long gone.
Covert patrol
The AO terrain is ideal for covert travel. A little preparation re path tactics enables you to travel through the AO without being detected by road vehicles and aerial vehicles.
Depending on team layout, it is wise to send a 2 man scouting party ahead of the troop. Once deemed safe, the troop can advance in a bounding fashion ensuring patrol safety and maintaining situational awareness.
Make sure that each team member knows its task in case of holding (360 security, which direction to secure), in case of contact (how to proceed, how to retreat) and in case of fast travel (which direction to look/cover). This way team members rely on each other for optimal awareness and security. This way, and only this way is the team able to move swiftly.
Reconnaissance or recce or recon is a term used for gathering intelligence by visual observation or other detection methods, about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or about the meteorologic, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area.
Path finding or route recon is oriented on a given route or a general direction of travel, to provide information on route conditions or activities along the route. The wolf commander relies on information about locations along his determined route: which those that would provide best cover and concealment; bridge by construction type, dimensions, and classification; or for landing zones or pickup zones, if the need arises.
The Expert Training mission is a demo exercise. The how, what and when will be briefed during the training exercise.
Make sure you carry enough demo ammo to complete the objective. Always make sure you carry extra demo ammo just in case you are dealing with duds or targets that require multiple demolitions.
Demo OP considerations:
- When approaching the demo objective make sure you have two exfil strategies. One for in case things go as planned and one for in case things don't go as planned.
- Make sure that only your demo team approaches the object. The demo team sets charges. The rest of the squadron provides security and path finding/exfil tactics.
- Make sure you use the right demo ammo and make sure to use enough to neutralize the object. You do not want to return to the object for a second demo.
Demo and assault ops are the most challenging types of missions for a recon/special operations team. At some point you'll need to break covertness in order to carry out the objective. In order to maintain optimal security, make sure you plan for various scenarios/outcomes. Make sure you troop(leaders) are aware of the scenarios in case things go belly up. Planning for the unexpected increases your chance of getting out alive significantly.